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It's Time for the Month of Darkness!

It's Time for the Month of Darkness!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Oct 2nd 2023

The Month of Darkness is here! We've got some amazing things in store for this month, and we're hitting the ground running, so here's a quick rundown of everything happening in the first couple of weeks!

To kick off the month, we launched our Month of Darkness PDF promotion!

Any orders of in-stock World of Darkness RPG books through the Renegade webstore during the month of October will receive immediate access to a free PDF version of that book!

Shop World of Darkness!

We also just released a brand new free story for Werewolf: The Apocalypse! Read on for a little teaser of what you can expect from the Werewolf: The Apocalypse The Deepest of Wounds story.

To the Cult of Fenris, extreme violence is the only answer. There are no bystanders and everyone is either for Gaia or against her. There is no such thing as an innocent victim. The fall of the Fenrir into violent fanaticism didn’t happen all at once. It was a reaction to the increasingly desperate circumstances all warriors of Gaia face. Often, for particular Cult of Fenris packs or septs, a local tragedy or loss motivated them to go along with the extreme vision sweeping the tribe. Such a loss is the seed for the story of The Deepest of Wounds.

Download the free story here!

We're also running a giveaway all month long for a crazy packed World of Darkness games bundle! You can gain entries by playing this story with your pack and sharing the experience! Enter here!

Up next, Renegade Con - Month of Darkness Edition! Tune in Friday at 3 PM PDT for the Kick-Off stream. We'll be unveiling some new books for existing game lines that'll be coming in early 2024!

Then we've got a legendary Storyteller Roundtable planned for later that night, at 5 PM PDT! This roundtable will include Jason Carl, Tracie Magitek, Amir Hamzah, and Mike Martin

Finally, the just one sleep later, we've got a Coterie of Love stream planned - Saturday at 4 PM PDT! Join Outstar, Laura Tutu, and Tracie Magitek as they dive into how to approach romance options in your game, a topic covered in the upcoming Blood-Stained Love sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade!

Find more info on Renegade Con and save the date for events here!

Finally, on the 13th, you can jump into a game during the learn to play weekend! These games will be beginner friendly, so it's the perfect opportunity to give that World of Darkness RPG you've been dying you try a shot! Plus, you get to play from home!

Get $10 off your first game with this referral link!

We've got more in store coming later in the month, including a Humble Bundle, swag items, and more! So be sure to join our communities and sign-up for our newsletter to ensure you don't miss a thing!