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Posted by Renegade Games on Mar 27th 2021

Last (but certainly not least) in our series of profiles on some of the women that help Renegade Games run smoothly, we have Jeanne! We hope you’ve enjoyed and gotten some insights from the profiles this month!

What is your role at Renegade?
My role at Renegade is to lead all creative design on the Hasbro IP Board and Card games branch of our company. I love building the initial look of our core games, such as the packaging design and card frames. I also manage graphic designers, production artists, and art direct the illustrators. We have an awesome team!

How long have you been with the company, and what led you here?
The talented Anita Osburn reached out to me for a freelance project (Flipships) in 2017 and I’ve been going ever since. I had previously freelanced for her some time ago when she was with The Upper Deck Company/Upper Deck Entertainment. Since then I have had many wonderful opportunities to design for a wide range of industries. I believe that mound of experience led me here and I'm having a blast creating and managing graphics for Renegade.

What is your favorite thing about working in the tabletop industry?
So many creative people! I love working with game designers and many talented illustrators. There’s nothing more satisfying than taking their hard work and putting it all together in a nice shiny package. There is so much thrill creating tangible products that many people will enjoy over and over again.

What is your favorite board game?
I’ve got two little ones who consume a lot of my free time, so any game I can get them engaged in is my favorite game. Lately it's been Kitty Paw and Tea Dragon Society. I'm working on convincing my daughter that she’s ready to handle Atheneum. Either way my competitiveness doesn't dwindle when I go up against the kids hahaha!

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren't making or playing board games?
Ohhh I love going to Disneyland. I could spend hours on Main Street marveling at typography and signage all day. I love the little details and thought process that goes into everything, it’s very inspiring. I’m also a huge sports fan. There's always a game on TV. More importantly I love watching my children play hockey, t-ball/softball, and soccer. Every now and then we hit the beach or take a little trip up to the mountains.

Advice for people that want to get into the industry?
For Graphic Designers, build your portfolio to cater to the companies you are seeking, yet show design variation in those pieces. Stay persistent, and approachable while inquiring. Networking is super important! Build those relationships that will guide you to your dream job.