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Ranger Month - Final Week!

Ranger Month - Final Week!

Posted by Renegade Games on Feb 28th 2022

We've spent the month of February celebrating the release of the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game and providing additional content for players and GMs! Today marks the end of Ranger Month, but not the end our work to continue to improve and grow the game! As usual we've got some great Power Rangers goodies for you to enjoy today!

First Up - Monster of the Week!

Each week in February we're sharing a new Threat you can use in your own games. Pirantishead is a terrifying fish monster, created by Lord Zedd! Pirantishead is armed with his own fins, as well as a pain of Chum-Chucks, versatile weapons that allow him to threaten the Rangers in multiple ways! It's not all bad news for the Rangers though, due to his waterborne nature, Pirantishead suffers additional wounds from Fire Damage!

Second - FAQ and Clarifications Document - This PDF has been uploaded to the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game products, so you can access it under your order at any point. It is also available here for your convenience! This will be a living document and be updated with further questions over time!

Third - Fan Preview Guide to Power Rangers Roleplaying Game Threats - Enjoy this small preview of a future book, showcasing how to create your own threats in the Power Rangers Roleplaying Game! Big or small, easy or dastardly difficult, this preview has the tools GMs have been asking for to bring their favorite monsters to life!

Fourth - Power Rangers Streams on Twitch!

Thanks for joining us all month to celebrate! Remember, you can continue to post questions in the Facebook group and Discord where we'll continue to answer them and help out!