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Take a Look Back to 2020 and 2021 with Renegade!

Take a Look Back to 2020 and 2021 with Renegade!

Posted by Renegade Game Studios on Oct 18th 2024

In honor of our 10th Anniversary, we’re looking back to Renegade’s journey since its founding. This month we are diving into 2020 and 2021.

Ah… 2020. This was a crazy year for all of us, but despite everything going on we didn’t stop making games! Games were something that brought so many people together while they were stuck indoors. We were proud to continue to make games to help spread joy and fun.

One of our favorite titles to release in 2020 was The Search for Planet X! This fun and innovative game would start our “Search For” line of deduction games which now includes The Search for Lost Species and The Search for UAPs. In The Search for Planet X, designed by Ben Rosset and Matthew O'Malley, players take on the role of astronomers and use their deduction and logic skills to find the distant Planet X. This game has been nominated for multiple awards over the years and remains at the top of many lists as one of the best deduction games!

One of our best-selling games also hit shelves in 2020, Alice is Missing! Alice is Missing, published in collaboration with Hunters Entertainment, is a silent roleplaying game by Spenser Starke. 

In this game, players only communicate with each other via text to try and solve the mystery of 16-year-old Alice Briarwood. This game came at a perfect time, as it is great for online and remote play! Alice is Missing would win the 2021 ENnie Award for Best Rules and the 2021 ENnie Award for Best Game.

Speaking of fun things happening online, our first Renegade Con was hosted in 2020! We started Renegade Con because we missed seeing our awesome community of Renegades at game conventions. We wanted to connect through our shared love of games. Renegade Con has continued strong, with our last one being hosted just last week!

The final game that came out in 2020 that we want to shout out is Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Expandable Card Game! This game designed by Matt Hyra was Renegade’s first dive into the world of Vampire: The Masquerade. In this game, players assume leadership of a coterie of vampires, using them to advance their agendas, claim titles, recruit new vampires, and perform other tasks. 

Rivals would take on the Organized Play scene as well. To this day fans of the game compete for titles in local events and at cons all around the world!

Looking into 2021, we also saw a lot of Vampire: The Masquerade Roleplaying Game content! With the new Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition Core Rulebook hot off the press, we had the opportunity to join the World of Darkness ethos and build on its success with all sorts of new 5th Edition content. 

This first year saw the release of key titles like the Anarchs Sourcebook, Camarilla Sourcebook, and Sabbat: The Black Hand Sourcebook. Since then, we've taken off running—today, we offer an expansive line of 5th Edition sourcebooks, accessories, chronicles, and more.

Another game with some storytelling mechanics released in 2021 was Artisans of Splendent Vale! In this game by Nikki Valens, players pick a character and explore Splendent Vale, working together to overcome challenges. 

Artisans of Splendent Vale got its start on Kickstarter and had great success there. This gorgeous and diverse story-driven game is one we love to celebrate!

We can’t talk about 2021 without mentioning the release of two of our great deck-building games! Following the release of the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game in 2020, we released the Transformers Deck-Building Game (designed by Dan Blanchett) and the G.I. JOE Deck-Building Game (designed by T.C. Petty III).

Despite all three of these games coming out around the same time, all three are mechanically quite different. Each game has mechanics that work together thematically and strategically making for an incredible gaming experience in your favorite worlds. Our deck-building line would expand to include the My Little Pony Deck Building Game in 2022 and all four of our deck-building lines have gone on to have many expansions.

2020 and 2021 were crazy years but we look back fondly on all the great games and moments that happened! Make sure to come back next month to read about more of our history. Happy gaming Renegades!