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Character Bio - Grave Grim

Hellhound. The Hound of the Baskervilles. Mauthe Doog. Gwyllgi. Yeth Hound. Black Shuck. Grave Grim.

Anyone fond of folklore has encountered these names and what they have inspired throughout centuries of European legends. Despite their myriad depictions and motivations—ranging from malice to benevolent protection—they all point to the same motif: a black dog with glowing eyes haunting the sites of the dead. Described as omens of death, judgment, and the Underworld, these creatures toll bells for the deceased and arrive with portents of foul weather.

Black dogs exist as a story shared across Earth’s cultures. Yet they were always just that—a fearful tale meant to keep unruly children and criminals in line.

At least, they were just stories, until Valhalla revealed what had always been the truth on Earth: The Black Dog is one of several. Through the Wellsprings, humans on Valhalla would learn that these stories were poor attempts to describe spiritual creatures properly known as Omens. Invisible to the mortal eye, they have long fulfilled their guardian duties, striking dread into those who desecrate sacred burial sites. But now, Revna has given them a new purpose.

She needed guardians to protect her flock of dead, and the Omens have thousands of years of practice. Now, recruited to her cause, the Grims shepherd the Host of Revna to their promised freedom.

Most humans flee at the sight of Grave Grims running alongside the undead that Revna sends forward. Earth heroes of the former Alliance often blanch, recalling fearful childhood stories, and lose their resolve at the moment it matters most.

These beings of Earth folklore are poised to tell a new story—as Revna’s vanguard, securing victory and safety for her people. And humankind will not be the only ones to fear the hounds of death.

Grave Grim is available in the Revnan Acolytes & Grave Grim Common Army Expansion!

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