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Character Bio - Mielki the Kyrie Warrior

The Kyrie of the forest tribes united under Ullar’s banner when the war began. His charisma held the different factions together and formed them into a single army. Ullar alone was able to bring the disparate ferocity together into an organized hunt, unmatched in all of Valhalla for its wild abandon in battle.

But now Ullar has succumbed to the strange poison that has seeped into the wellsprings. As he raves against even his closest friends and confidants, the Kyrie of the woods regroup. There is no time to let the factions fracture once more. They must be pointed at something, anything, to keep them united.

Mielki has stepped up to the task. As she charges the chaotic battlefield, throngs of her battle-siblings take to wing behind her. The other Valkyrie will not take Ullar’s lands so easily!

Mielki the Kyrie Warrior is available in the Revna's Rebuke: Kyrie Warriors Army Expansion.

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