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Heroscape Character Bio - Raakchott, Steward of Death

Raakchott, Steward of Death

In a world of blooming life, death brings balance to the cycle. Yet many Dryan choose to ignore what feeds the soil in which they plant their seeds. Raakchott is shunned and feared by their own people for daring to study the path of death from which new life springs. Their studies were considered unsavory, and Raakchott was alone. They have never forgiven their people for this injustice.

Revna’s summons was for Raakchott as it is for all of Revna’s people: a blessing. None serve Revna, The Outcast General, unwillingly. Where once they were shunned by their own people, Raakchott now enjoys the freedom to explore their analytical interest and has become a central figure in their Valkyrie’s ambitions.

Raakchott, Steward of Death is available in the Age of Annihilation Master Set!

Raakchott, Steward of Death

In a world of blooming life, death brings balance to the cycle. Yet many Dryan choose to ignore what feeds the soil in which they plant their seeds. Raakchott is shunned and feared by their own people for daring to study the path of death from which new life springs. Their studies were considered unsavory, and Raakchott was alone. They have never forgiven their people for this injustice.

Revna’s summons was for Raakchott as it is for all of Revna’s people: a blessing. None serve Revna, The Outcast General, unwillingly. Where once they were shunned by their own people, Raakchott now enjoys the freedom to explore their analytical interest and has become a central figure in their Valkyrie’s ambitions.

Raakchott, Steward of Death is available in the Age of Annihilation Master Set!

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